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Judo Kata Tournament Manager Software

This site to home for a Judo Kata Tournament Software solution to help you organise and run Judo Kata competitions.

The system provides a central server, that you access via a web browser. Multiple users can use the system at the same time. This includes organisers, judges and competitors. The system has been built to increase the ease at which an event can be organised and run, and to provide the basis to provide additional features to an audience. For example TV Graphics overlays for live video stream, live results to websites and big screens at venue, etc.

Diagram showing software features
Features of the software

The software is currently able to support IJF Kata format events only, extension to support local formats (BritishJudo for example) is planned.

Update Jan 2024:
Recent assistance with testing has lead to some improvement to the user interface, including:

Currently, I am looking for test events to confirm functionality is parallel with any existing systems. Please contact me (Lance Wicks) if you are interested.

The system is currently written in Perl, using a SQLite database and AlmondCSS for the web style. Mojolicious is the web framework providing a simple MVC model to work within. The code is currently under active development on a volunteer basis and is hosted on GitHub (privately currently).

The system may migrate to Go-lang for the portability and single binary file for distribution.

Developers interested in helping, please contact me and I would love to help you contribute to this AGPL software project (The code is not currently open to all as I don't consider it "ready").


The starting point of most events is adding competitors, this is done via the web interface. So can be done by multiple people at the same time. You add each competitor individually, creating pairs afterwards. Each competitor can participate in multiple categories.

Screenshot showing summary page for competitors
Competitors page


Once individuals have been added to the system, pairs can be formed between the individuals for each kata category. Individuals can be in more than one pair; so a participant can be in in multiple pairs in multiple categories.

Screenshot showing all the pairs of competitors and the kata they are competing in
Pairs page


Judo kata are scored by expert judges watching pairs perform. Judges are added per kata, so if a Judge is scoring for multiple kata; they need to be added multiple times currently.

Screenshot showing all the judges and the kata they are judging
Judges page


Once all the competitors, pairs and judges have been created an automated draw is run through the system. Currently, there is now draw for judges; this will come in later versions. All the judges associated with a category (kata) can score any pair's performance. The scoresheets are entered per pair, per judge via a web interface.

Scoresheet page


Are scoresheets are completed, the system will create leaderboards showing the pairs ranked by overall score. This page will provide the results that will be used for awarding medals etc.

Screenshot showing leaderboard page for a specific kata
Leaderboard page

Summary page

As the competition progresses, you will want to know how far things are progressing. The system can tell you what percentage of performances have been done, how many scoresheets have been completed, etc.

Screenshot showing overview of kata category, including percentage complete
Summary page

Other features

The software is configurable to that a event logo can be configured. In the screenshots on this page the event is using the logo for my club. The system currently do a random draw for performance order. Each event is currently stored in a separate (SQLite) database file. This database is very common so many tools are available to create reports, etc.

Interested in trying it?

If you are interested in this software please do contact me. I am happy to give a demo online, or give you access to a demo system that you can experiment with. Currently the software is not ready for distribution; but I would love to have some people test the system.
There is a online test system, I can link interested people to.
Ideally I would like to test against some existing scoresheets and confirm the system is working well. Running it is parallel at an event is the next big step.
What other features would you like to see? What features should be developed further; what has not been mentioned? Please contact me if this page has got your interest.

Further reading

Please use the following links for more information on Judo Kata

Michel Kozlowski R.I.P.
Sadly Mr Kozlowski passed away in 2023, this site and software would not exist had it not been for the many years of dedication given to Kata and Kata Software by Mr Kozlowski.

This website and the software developed is dedicated to his memory.